Some of his works (such as the Hegyon ha-Nefesh and the Megillat ha-Megalleh) remind of the structure and oratory of sermons. According to Joseph Dan (1986, 26), about the Hegyon ha-Nefesh, “Bar Hijja’s book is the first Hebrew independent homiletical work written in Europe”.
- WIGODER (ed.), Hegyon ha-Nefesh. jerusalem, 1972.
- GUTTMAN, Julius (ed.), Sefer Megillat ha-Megalle. Berlin: Druck von H. Itzkowski, 1924
- Bar Hiia, Abraam. Libre Revelador. Meguil·lat Hamegal·lé. Editorial Alpha. Barcelona, 1929. (Translated into catalan)
- DAN, Joseph, Hebrew Ethical and Homiletical Literature. Jerusalem: Keter Publications House, 1975, p. 69-82
- Jewish Mysticism and Jewish ethics, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 1986, p. 26-27. (second enlarged edition, Aronson Publishers, New Jersey, 1996.)
- TÖYRILÄ, Hannu,